Understanding the Responder Tab in the Customer Portal

Support Team - Tier 1
Support Team - Tier 1
  • Updated

In this article, you will learn what information the "RESPONDER" tab displays on the Customer Portal.


All users signed in to the Customer Portal can access the Responder tab; however, only Admins will be able to add or remove Responders. To change user permissions, refer to the How to Add, Edit and Remove Users article for assistance.


From the Customer Portal (https://portal.reactmobile.com), you can navigate and view the "Responder" tab on the left-hand side of the screen.


Responders are mobile devices that have our application and have been registered to your property. This can be done either with a QR code, so that there is no need for a login at all, or with an SSO login email address. To add responders, refer to the How to Add Responder Devices article for assistance.


On this tab, you are able to view Responders and the type of alert notifications they have subscribed to. We do recommend reviewing this every quarter to ensure the list is up to date.

The Responder Tab Highlights:

  • Health status. To further examine this, review the subsection below.
  • User type.
  • Name of user.
  • The type of notifications that have been activated:
    • Push, SMS, or Email
  • Membership information details the organization(s) in which user(s) has access to. 
  • Last seen. When was the user last logged in to either the website or mobile application.

Users with Admin credentials are able to edit Responders by selecting a name and opening the Responder Details tab. From there, Admins may perform the following changes: Stop SMS, Stop Email or Remove Responder. 

To further understand the Responder Details tab, refer to the How to Manage Responders article for assistance.

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Examining the Health Status of Responders

  • Healthy (Green): Indicates that push notifications are enabled through the React Mobile Hospitality application. 
  • Moderate (Yellow): Indicates that the responder only has SMS or email notifications set up.
  • Critical (Red): Indicates that the user is not set up to receive alert notifications. 

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