In this article, you will learn when it is necessary to select a classification for an unknown beacon, and how to do so on the React Mobile Hospitality Application.
React1 and Carfit beacons that have older firmware than 2.6 may require an "Unknown Beacon Classification" selection in the React Mobile Hospitality Application before being able to update the firmware.
This selection is device specific, so every user that would like to update these beacons must make this selection on their smart devices before proceeding. To classify your beacon, follow the below instructions:
- Log in to the React Mobile Hospitality application from a smart device as an Admin or Installer.
- From the home page, navigate to the "BEACONS" tab at the bottom of the screen.
- Select one of the registered beacons at your property.
- Towards the bottom of the screen, you will see CARFIT, SYSTEM, and REACT options.
- Select the correct beacon type for your property. Refer to An Overview of the Different Types of Beacons article for assistance.
- Continue with the WARNING.
- Once complete, this device will remember these settings for your property moving forward and you will be able to proceed with updating the firmware on the devices. Refer to the How to Update Beacon Firmware Using the React Mobile Hospitality Application article for assistance.
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