How to Power Cycle or Reset Your LoRa Panic Button

Support Team - Tier 1
Support Team - Tier 1
  • Updated

In this article, you will learn how to power cycle and/or reset your LoRa panic button.


We do recommend power cycling your devices periodically to ensure they are up to date. To complete this process, follow the steps below:

  1. Press and hold black button (3) and tap screen button (2) 5 times while holding black button
  2. Once these 3 buttons are pressed, the button will reset itself and go to P.O.S.T (Power On Self Test) mode.
  3. After this, you must press all 3 buttons individually (In no order) to start the LORA button.
    1. Wait for device to "Connect"
    2. Wait for device to complete "Time Sync"

  Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 2.09.51 PM.png

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