Recommended Client Configuration for Android Devices

Support Team - Tier 1
Support Team - Tier 1
  • Updated

In this article, you will learn to understand the recommendations for configuring Android devices to work with the React Mobile Hospitality Application.


We recommend the Samsung Galaxy A25 as our preferred Android device. This model is what we suggest to clients and is also used for our app development, testing, and service installations.

The instructions provided are specifically for configuring the Galaxy A25, but they can generally be applied to other Android devices as well.


Configuration Requirements for the React Mobile Hospitality Application

  • Install any necessary applications, including the React Mobile Hospitality app.
  • Open the React Mobile Hospitality app. During the initial launch, the app will prompt the user to grant always-on location permissions and provide a link to the app settings for this purpose.
  • In the app settings, after granting the required location permissions, select the following:
    • Disable “Remove permissions if app is unused
    • Under Mobile Data, enable “Allow data usage while Data saver is on
    • Under Battery, set the app to "Unrestricted."


Optional Recommendations for an Enhanced User Experience

In the Device Settings, we recommend the following:

  • Display
    • Set "Motion smoothness" to Standard to improve battery life.
    • Disable Edge Panels.
  • Battery
    • Enable "Protect battery" to limit the maximum charge to 85%, extending the battery's lifespan.
  • Lock Screen
    • Turn off "Always On Display" for better battery efficiency.
  • Apps
    • Uninstall or disable any unnecessary apps (e.g., Facebook, AR Emoji, etc.).
  • Under General Management, Date and Time
    • Enable "Set time zone based on location."



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