What is the Responder Geofence Feature?

Support Team - Tier 1
Support Team - Tier 1
  • Updated

In this article, you will learn to understand what the responder geofence feature is.

We all know the importance of leaving work at work, and the React Mobile workplace safety system can help to achieve that.

The responder geofence feature recognizes when your smart device exits the property area, defined by a central latitude and longitude along with a radius distance, and automatically sets you off duty. When considered off duty, an employee will no longer receive mobile push notifications to their mobile device, a great quality of life improvement.

The feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled on your property settings page. Refer to the article How to Turn On and Activate the Geofence Feature for assistance.

It is important to note that this setting will enable Geofencing for all the Responders. However, each Responder can choose to receive alerts even if they are outside the Geofence within the React Mobile Hospitality application. 

Note: Users with SMS and E-mail subscription will continue to receive these outside the Geofence. Geofence only applies to mobile push notifications. 

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