Performing a Device Health Check with a Cellular (LTE) Panic Button

Support Team - Tier 1
Support Team - Tier 1
  • Updated

In this article, you will learn how to activate a health check on the cellular (LTE) panic button.


Performing a health check will allow you to quickly assess the battery level and network coverage where you are.

In order to complete the health check, press the gray button in the middle of the device 1 time. Do not hold the button or it will trigger an alert. By pressing the device once, this also updates the “last check-in” time in the Portal for the particular device.

Once a health check is initiated, the button LED is going to flash two series of colors to indicate different health metrics:

  1. Battery Level
    • After tapping the button one time, the light on the button indicates battery level first.
    • Battery level is indicated by a red, yellow, or green color light, which will only appear once:
      • Green represents more than 40% charge remaining.
      • Yellow is more than 20% but less than 40% charge.
      • Red represents a 20% charge or less.
    • The battery lasts about 14 days under normal usage. Repeatedly triggering alerts for test purposes and/or storing the devices in areas with low LTE coverage will drain the battery quicker.
  2. Network Coverage
    • After showing the battery level, the light on the button indicates the signal strength to the nearest network attachment point (i.e. the nearest cellular tower).
    • Network coverage is indicated by a cyan light. The cyan light flashes once per “bar” of coverage. It will flash 0 to 4 times, depending on coverage. Four blinks indicate four bars and the highest network coverage. Zero blinks indicates very poor, or no network coverage.

It is important to note; for a button to reflect a "Healthy" status in the Customer Portal, it has to have:

  • The most up-to-date firmware.
  • Over 40% battery.
  • AND the last check in must be within the last 2 hours.



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