How to Disable Push Notifications on the React Mobile Hospitality Application

Support Team - Tier 1
Support Team - Tier 1
  • Updated

In this article, you will learn how to disable push notifications from the React Mobile Hospitality Application on your smart device.


Open the React Mobile Hospitality application and at the bottom of the screen, select the "INFO" tab.


Depending on your user role, the enrollment section of the info tab will have one of two options:

  • "Stop Protecting Me." 
  • "Log Out"

Both options serve the same purpose and will permanently disconnect this device from the alert system. Each option will request that you confirm your decision. Our system does record this action.

Remember that the React Mobile employee safety solution does NOT track your movements unless an alert is active. There is no reporting at all except a periodic refresher to be sure that the device is healthy. Our business is getting help when you need it, and nothing more.



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